In life every one looking for someone close to you to share him/her your feeling or to tell him/her your secrets.
In an age approximately between 20 and 30 years old, man ask a girl in a way of finding the love of his life, a person try to find a girl to be his best friend, or to be his wife. The marriage idea it depend on the person if he is qualified to get marriage, or not. Moreover, as you know in our society it's so difficult if you are thinking to get marriage, due to the requirements from the girl or from her family. That she wants her groom to be perfect, handsome like an angel. Also he is a rich man and he has a castle and the latest model of luxury cars, and his age should be suitable for her. Moreover, she will not accept the wedding unless done in five starts hotel, with the best singer. Even though, the honeymoon around Europe.
Nevertheless, there are a lot of girls waiting for their dream to become true, but most of them become older and spinster. And if the groom comes they will say I will wait more maybe another one comes better. She wants to be her groom look like an actor or a singer in the T.V.
They don't realize how much the man is suffering to obtain that house or the car. And how many jobs he works to earn money, and becomes ready for marriage, unless he get some help from his family. The bride doesn't know that never man come perfect, she doesn't believe in her destiny.
Unfortunately, a few girls are looking for a guy’s morals, religion, dealing, knowledge. But sure they will realize the importance of these things after marriage.
It’s not only a problem from the girl side, also there are some men looking for beautiful bride to be like mannequin model, or like actors and singers. And they don't care about other things that I mention above, although it’s more important for them.
This is our society do you think one day it will change, personally: I don't think so.